Buzz Vs The Buzzes

Buzz Vs The Buzzes
ai-startups-memes, tech-founders-memes, silicon-valley-memes, startup-culture-memes, tech-bubble-memes |

Oh look, another tech bro who thinks his AI startup is a special snowflake in an avalanche! The meme perfectly captures the delusion of every "visionary founder" who believes their AI solution will "disrupt the entire industry" while the actual industry is just a massive warehouse of identical Buzz Lightyear toys. Spoiler alert: your revolutionary algorithm is probably just another if-else statement wearing a neural network costume. The tech world doesn't need another "groundbreaking" AI startup that predicts which cat videos you'll watch next—it needs founders who understand that saying "we use AI" is about as unique as having a LinkedIn profile. Next time you want to disrupt something, try disrupting your own ego first!