
This Comcast user who set up a RasPi to automatically tweet Comcast when his internet is slower than he paid for aaa

This Comcast user who set up a RasPi to automatically tweet Comcast when his internet is slower than he paid for aaa | test-memes, internet-memes |
test-memes, internet-memes |


Comcast User ComcastUser 27 Sep 2016 Hey Comcast why is my internet speed 20down5up when I pay for 150down10up in Washington DC? ComcastCares finity comcast speedtest 17 11 Comcast User AComcastUser 27 Sep 2016 Hey Comcast why is my internet speed 23down 5up when I pay for 150down10up in Washington DC? ComcastCares finity comcast speedtest 17 10 Comcast User A ComcastUser 27 Sep 2016 Hey Comcast why is my internet speed 29down5up when I pay for 150down10up in Washington DC? ComcastCares finity comcast speedtest 17 Comcast User AComcastUser 26 Sep 2016 Hey Comcast why is my internet speed 27 down5up when I pay for 150down10up in Washington DC? ComcastCares xfinity comcast speedtest 17