B N G O How do I "I've been passionate get into about FAANG? programming since I was 10" "I should pads resume Either speaks have went with clubs in buzzwords that they or doesn't to an ivy attended league" know a single once one of them Liberal On discord is it worth constantly going to the arts are career fair and plays for idiots Minecraft even though I'm freshman? can't function without Coffee Are they gonna curve the Free! grades? "I just copied code from stackoverflow am cheating?" Hates I only code Macs and in C and loves hate Linux Python Favorite show is Silicon Valley "Arch Linux is the best OS ever to exist" Doesn't realize most of CS is math(sucks at it) admires Elon musk and wants to work at Space "The professors doesn't know misogyny what they're talking about" Doesn't Addresses I solve 5 know what TAs as Dr, leetcode hard notepad is or problems a day, keyboard Professor, am I doing shortcuts etc enough? minutes before Has a laptop deadline: "how with a ton of do I do this web dev fundamental thing? tech stickers