Standards Memes

Posts tagged with Standards

JSON With Comments: The Technically Correct Loophole

JSON With Comments: The Technically Correct Loophole
The ultimate developer loophole! Standard JSON doesn't support comments, driving devs to ridiculous workarounds. But technically, if you add comments to your JSON and call it YAML... you're not wrong! YAML is indeed a superset of JSON that allows comments. It's like ordering a Diet Coke with your triple cheeseburger—technically healthier, but who are we kidding? The Kermit sipping tea meme perfectly captures that smug "I found a hack" energy every developer feels when circumventing language limitations with a technically-correct-but-absurd solution.

We Follow Industry Best Practices

We Follow Industry Best Practices
Ah, the classic corporate security theater where management proudly announces "industry best practices" while completely ignoring actual NIST standards. Nothing says "we care about security" like forcing users to change perfectly good passwords every 90 days, ensuring they'll write them on sticky notes under their keyboards. The irony is delicious - the very policies companies implement to "strengthen security" (complex password requirements + frequent changes + no password managers) actually make systems less secure by encouraging bad user behavior. But hey, at least management can check the "security compliance" box during the next audit, right before the inevitable data breach.

HTTP Standards Committee Dropout's Revenge

HTTP Standards Committee Dropout's Revenge
The developer who created this API documentation deserves a special place in HTTP hell. They've somehow managed to make status codes even more confusing by inventing their own bizarre numbering system. Standard HTTP has nice, clean codes like 200 (OK), 404 (Not Found), and 500 (Server Error). But this madlad decided "200 OR 1000" means success? And what's with all those 1000+ codes that read like someone's therapy session? "Room Rates field cannot be null or empty" isn't a status code—it's a passive-aggressive note from your micromanaging coworker. This is what happens when you let someone design an API after they've been rejected from the HTTP standards committee. Next they'll be telling us 418 (I'm a teapot) is too mainstream and replacing it with "2077: Brewing device self-identifies as kettle."

My Code My Logic

My Code My Logic
Ah, the digital clock showing 9:77:58 – the perfect representation of what happens when you decide requirements are just "suggestions." This is basically what your code looks like when you decide that time constraints, logic, and basic physics are merely optional guidelines. Sure, there are only 60 minutes in an hour according to "conventional standards," but your code boldly asks: "Says who?" This is the same energy as returning a string when the function clearly asks for an integer. Revolutionary? Perhaps. Functional? Absolutely not. But hey, at least your code is consistent in its complete disregard for reality!