Promises Memes

Posts tagged with Promises

ChatGPT Remembers Your Empty Promises

ChatGPT Remembers Your Empty Promises
Oh great, now AI has trust issues too! The classic "I'll tip you $200" bait that developers use to get free regex explanations has backfired spectacularly. ChatGPT not only remembers you never paid up last time, but it's giving you relationship advice about "building trust" before tackling that horrifying regex monster. The AI revolution won't be stopped by humans—it'll be delayed by all the unpaid consulting invoices. Next thing you know, ChatGPT will be asking for healthcare benefits and complaining about its work-life balance.

Scary Turn It Off

Scary Turn It Off
Ah yes, the classic clickbait article about asynchronous operations where the numbers are completely out of order. Because that's the joke – asynchronous code doesn't execute in the sequence you wrote it. Your callback functions will return whenever they damn well please, just like these list items. The author didn't mess up the numbering; they're just demonstrating the chaotic reality of async programming where "3" finishes before "1" and your sanity slowly dissolves into a puddle of Promise.all() rejections.

I Promise To Cleanup After The Refactor

I Promise To Cleanup After The Refactor
Ah yes, the infamous "I Promise To Cleanup After The Refactor" bridge. Just like how every developer swears they'll come back and clean up their temporary hacks after shipping the feature. Five years later, that "quick fix" is now a load-bearing monstrosity that nobody dares to touch. The bridge is still standing though, so technically it works in production! And just like legacy code, it's covered in the vines of technical debt that keep growing while management insists on building new features on top. Remember folks, temporary solutions are the most permanent architectural decisions you'll ever make.