programmers Memes

Programmers Are

Programmers Are
Ah, the classic "Google search suggestions" meme with Pepe looking concerned. Nothing like society's collective search history to remind us where we stand in the pecking order. After 20 years in this industry, I can confirm we're all just weird losers who jump at the sound of a production alert. The "not engineers" one hits particularly hard for those of us who spent $100K on CS degrees only to be told "real engineers build bridges." The truth hurts, but at least we can afford therapy with our six-figure salaries that we spend entirely on mechanical keyboards and energy drinks.

Pls Fix My Garbage Code

Pls Fix My Garbage Code
The ultimate double standard! ๐Ÿ˜‚ While designers freak out when DALL-E 2 steals their artwork, programmers are over here like "You stole my GitHub code? Sweet! Did you actually make that garbage run properly?" It's the coding equivalent of saying "I left that mess on purpose as a trap for the next poor soul!" The desperation of "pls fix my garbage code" is the silent plea we've all made when sharing our repos. We're not stealing code, we're just... collaboratively debugging . ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ปโœจ

I S 00 N

I S 00 N

Java Ptsd

Java Ptsd
Content When people use the word '''Ava" near programmers MISERIES

Programmers Are Expected To Use The Right One

Programmers Are Expected To Use The Right One
Content GiGa-Chad GiBi-Chad

Its Just An Abstraction

Its Just An Abstraction
Content Always has been Its just an abstraction C/C+t PROGRAMMERS ASSEMBIY PROGRAMMERS Always has been MATHEMATICIANS

Ctrl Z

Ctrl Z

Leaving this here...

Leaving this here... | programmer-memes, python-memes, programmers-memes, program-memes, shell-memes, language-memes |
Content New languages programmers Python is better Nooooo, JS is far better C programmers C is hell Yes

One in three programmers

One in three programmers | programmer-memes, programmers-memes, program-memes, express-memes |
Content 13 IG: iluvwaffuls Some scientist on the news said 1 out of 3 programmers understands regular expressions Well, I don't Neither do I It's probably 1 out of 4

Yes mum!

Yes mum! | programmer-memes, computer-memes, programmers-memes, program-memes |
Content Mom: You won't get a job by staying on your computer all day Programmers:

Holy Chad

HolyChad | programmer-memes, programmers-memes, vim-memes, program-memes, compiler-memes |
Content programmers before programmers now Istackoverflow FIRST DRINK THE collee THEN T DO THE things sure God. Your third temple will be ready in a sec, in full 640480. haha, keep the CIA busy for a while, I'm just missing some last tweaks in the HolyC compiler help me mommy. i can't exit vim


h | programmer-memes, software-memes, development-memes, programmers-memes, program-memes, IT-memes |
Content A Common Mistake! A B2 Alice and Bob can complete a job in 2 hours. A C3 Alice and Charlie can complete the same job in 3 hours. BC4 Bob and Charlie can complete the same job in 4 hours. 2(A B C) 9 A B C 92 4.5 They take 4.5 hours working together. Mind Your cal Decisions But this makes no sense! When three people work together, it should take less time than when only two people work. But 4.5 hours is more time. So this answer must be wrong; the equations were set up incorrectly. pac1261 1 vear ado p 6 49K REPLY I work in software development, and everyone in that field knows that the more programmers you assign to a task, the longer it will take.