Overkill Memes

Posts tagged with Overkill

I Just Double-Clicked And Chose Violence

I Just Double-Clicked And Chose Violence
The giant spoon of Visual Studio smacking you in the face when all you wanted was to check a tiny XML file. Nothing says "I just wanted to see what's inside" like having an entire IDE launched at Mach 5 just to view 10 lines of code. The real kicker? By the time VS loads, you could've written the entire file from memory, refactored it twice, and still had time for a coffee break.

When Your Grocery List Needs A Neural Network

When Your Grocery List Needs A Neural Network
Ah yes, nothing says "efficient solution" like using a machete labeled "Deep learning" to slice through a tiny piece of bread labeled "Simple problem." The classic case of computational overkill. Why use a simple if-statement when you could train a 500-layer neural network that requires a small power plant to run? Next week: using quantum computing to calculate a 15% tip.

Gonna Run It In My Github Actions Later

Gonna Run It In My Github Actions Later
Ah yes, modern gaming in a nutshell! A massive bear labeled "NEW AAA GAMES" requiring a nuclear-powered rig with "RTX 5090, AMD RX 7900, 64GB RAM, 1TB SSD" just to launch the title screen. Meanwhile, the humble wolf "DOOM 1993" runs perfectly on a calculator with "CPU, GPU (OPTIONAL)" specs. The real joke? That GitHub Actions workflow is gonna time out before your AAA game even finishes downloading the shader cache. Meanwhile, DOOM is probably already running on your CI/CD pipeline's error logs.