Code style Memes

Posts tagged with Code style

Don't Be Stuck In The Past

Don't Be Stuck In The Past
The evolution of a C++ developer's formatting skills in one perfect image. Top panel: the prehistoric way of formatting output with printf() and those cryptic format specifiers that feel like deciphering ancient hieroglyphics. Bottom panel: the enlightened approach using C++ streams with all those fancy manipulators that make your code look like you're conducting a symphony orchestra. It's like going from "I bash rocks together to make fire" to "I adjust the temperature on my smart thermostat with voice commands." Progress!

Stop This Camel Case Agenda

Stop This Camel Case Agenda
Standing up for snake_case in a room full of camelCase enthusiasts is the programming equivalent of this Norman Rockwell painting. The brave soul dares to speak the unspeakable truth that underscores are just... better. Python devs nodding silently in the back while JavaScript folks clutch their pearls. The naming convention war continues, and this hero's willing to die on that hill with perfect readability and no RunTogetherWords. The real question is: who invited the SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE guy?

When They Ask Why I Hate Autoformatters

When They Ask Why I Hate Autoformatters
Ah, the age-old tabs vs. spaces holy war has claimed another victim! Nothing turns a mild-mannered developer into a raging lunatic faster than someone running an autoformatter that converts their carefully crafted tab indentation into spaces (or vice versa). It's like watching someone rearrange your kitchen while insisting they're "helping." Sure, the code might work exactly the same afterward, but now it feels wrong on a spiritual level. And let's be honest - you'd rather rewrite the entire project from scratch than adapt to someone else's indentation style. The true mark of a senior developer isn't their algorithm knowledge or architecture skills—it's the intensity with which they'll defend their whitespace preferences to the death.

Its A Lot Faster

Its A Lot Faster
Ah, the classic bitwise vs modulo showdown. Left guy uses (num%2) == 0 to check if a number is even - the textbook approach they teach you in CS101. Right guy with the sunglasses? He's using (num&1) == 0 - the bitwise AND operation that's marginally faster because it works directly with the bits. Same result, but the bitwise operation skips the division calculation. It's the programming equivalent of bringing a switchblade to a butter knife fight. Technically more efficient, practically irrelevant for most applications, but absolutely essential for establishing your dominance in code reviews.

C#: Integer.One

C#: Integer.One
Winnie the Pooh is all of us C# devs! Regular Pooh is like "ugh, just use 1" when seeing Integer.One - but fancy tuxedo Pooh? He's absolutely living for that sweet String.Empty instead of empty quotes. The duality of every C# programmer: writing simple code vs using fancy built-in constants that make us feel like sophisticated code aristocrats. It's not empty strings, it's String.Empty , darling! ✨

Which Lint Rules

Which Lint Rules
Two wizards plotting the downfall of developer sanity! Nothing says "I wield ultimate power" like enforcing tabs over spaces or requiring semicolons after every statement. These lint lords stand atop their mountain, gazing upon the kingdom of code they're about to throw into chaos with their arcane proclamations. The dark wizard is definitely pushing for "no-unused-vars" while his companion is advocating for "max-line-length: 80". Together they're crafting the perfect ESLint config that will make the entire engineering team contemplate career changes. Pure evil has never been so perfectly indented.