You decide... who is real idiot ;)

You decide... who is real idiot ;) | computer-memes, linux-memes, geek-memes, ux-memes, windows-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, wifi-memes, kernel-memes, graph-memes |
computer-memes, linux-memes, geek-memes, ux-memes, windows-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, wifi-memes, kernel-memes, graph-memes |


Gautam imComputerGeek Linux user:- Windows 10 is for idiots, smart people use linux distros. Linus trovalds is great. Also Linux user: My wift and graphic driver issue ate my entire week. more than 700mb ram usage. Hmm...something is wrong, lets compile entire kernel and install it "again"