Software Architects Are The Root Of All Evil

softwareArchitectsAreTheRootOfAllEvil | developer-memes, software-memes, code-memes, linux-memes, web-memes, ux-memes, git-memes, windows-memes, scala-memes, function-memes, date-memes, IT-memes, kernel-memes |
developer-memes, software-memes, code-memes, linux-memes, web-memes, ux-memes, git-memes, windows-memes, scala-memes, function-memes, date-memes, IT-memes, kernel-memes |


Repos at Megacorporations We put all of Windows in We put all 2 billion lines of All 20 million lines of the one git repo so developers our webservices in a single Linux kernel are in one git only need 1 PR to make repo to make life easy for repo so every developer can changes. developers. have their own copy. Repos at small, cargo culting companies Added a function to a Changing one thing needs Having everything in its Every library and executable library? Bump the sever PRs into 5 repos with 2 own repo will enable code should have its own repo for and make a PR into every approvals each. reuse (AKA legacy crap that scalability. repo that depends on it to This is just how it's done will never die). update the requirement. in the real world.

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