Content THE C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE pointer initialization 102, 138 pointer, null 102, 198 pointer subtraction 103, 138, 198 pointer to function 118, 147, 201 pointer to structure 136 pointer, void 93, 103, 120, 199 pointer vs. array 97, 99-100, 104. 113 pointer-integer conversion 198-199, 205 pointers and subscripts 97, 99, 217 pointers, array of 107 pointers, operations permitted on 103 Polish notation 74 pop function 77 portability 3, 37, 43, 49, 147, 151, 153, 185 position of braces 10 postfix and - - 46, 105 pow library function 24, 251 power function 25, 27 pragma 233 precedence of operators 17, 52, 95, 131-132, 199 prefix and - - 46, 106 preprocessor, macro 88, 228-233 preprocessor name, FILE 254 preprocessor name, LINE 254 preprocessor names, predefined 233 preprocessor operator, 90, 230 preprocessor operator 90. 230 INDEX 269 ptrdifft type name 103, 147, 206 push function 77 pushback, input 78 put library function 161, 247 put macro 176 putchar library function 15, 152, 161, 247 puts library function 164, 247 qsort function 87, 110, 120 qsort library function 253 qualifier, type 208, 211 quicksort 87, 110 quote character, 19, 37-38, 193 quote character, " 8, 20, 38, 194 r carriage return character 38, 193 raise library function 255 rand function 46 rand library function 252 RAND MAX 252 read system call 170 readdir function 184 readlines function 109 realloc library function 252 recursion 86, 139, 141, 182, 202, 269 recursive-descent parser 123