Questions Jobs Tags Users Badges Ask A V reddit API - Pulling images from subreddit php Xml son reddit I'm looking for examples in reddit API. I want to pull images from a certain subreddit (http:www.reddit.comrVillagePorn) and put them on a webpage. I've seen other websites do it (mainly, r ) and I can't figure out how. I tried http:www.reddit.comrVillagePorn.xml but that just returns the Thumbnail of the picture. Not even the link itself. What should I do? Share Improve this question Follow test 16.3k 63 161 238 asked Jul 5 '12 at 18:37 Bojangles 94.8k 48 163 200 edited Jul 5 '12 at 18:42 2 That's a pretty subreddit :) (and no, it's not NSFW for those of you who are wondering) - Bojangles Jul 5 '12 at 18:43 Add a comment