Show Her Your Pointer

showHerYourPointer | software-memes, stack-memes, data-memes, function-memes, recursive-memes, reddit-memes, private-memes |
software-memes, stack-memes, data-memes, function-memes, recursive-memes, reddit-memes, private-memes |


X rAskReddit 3 people typing... Q What is something men don't think turns a women on, but actually does? Jeff. Silverblum 3h My girlfriend apparently finds me irresistible when watching me work (I'm a software dev so I'm not sure why). 5 Reply 4 2.8k S GuiltyDebt 8958 2h Oh yes! Show me your pointer! Run me all you want until you reach my breakpoint! Fill my buffer with your data!!! Access all my private members baby, without any capsulation! Push and pop me like a callstack in a recursive function!!! 1.6k

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