1:38 Stack Overflow Sign up Log in Jobs Taas Users Badaes Ask C lambda expression reverse direction 77 V lambda I have seen some code which uses the operator. Can you explain what is the use of having lambda in reverse direction? FOllow user215675 4 935 0 0 23 0 30 asked Dec 3 '09 at 10:22 Michael Mvers 181k 44 291 edited Feb 16 '10 at 18:41 I'II admit... I did laught at this one... - LorenS Dec 3 '09 at 10:26 Now, be honest. You're kidding, aren't you? stackoverflow.comquestions1642028 - Kobi Dec 3 '09 at 10:26 Having looking at 1000 lines of code,I got contused.sorry guys. - user215675 Dec 3 09 at 10:27 This is a gualitv question! Made my day. simonichilds Mav 3 '13 at 13:19 Easv to answer Low Qualitv. 'm not sure what is with the compu sion to close evervthina. Ever developer has moments where they need to search something that should be obvious... Why not allow an actua answer instead of the tirst three pages of search results being "Google It". - Kelly Robins Ser 12 16 at 19:18 Show 1 more comment 3 Answers order by votes A 105 That's just less than or equal. I don't think C lambdas work like that. It's too early in the morning. You need coffee. Share improve this answer Dave Markle answered 90.2k 20 142 166 Dec 3 '09 at 10:23 29 V That's not a lambda at all. That's less than or equal to