Choose your career carefully!

Choose your career carefully! | backend-memes, server-memes, frontend-memes, list-memes, asynchronous-memes, error-memes, bot-memes, sysadmin-memes |
backend-memes, server-memes, frontend-memes, list-memes, asynchronous-memes, error-memes, bot-memes, sysadmin-memes |


BACK VOCALIST Gets a fraction of frontman's paycheck Can't take a break during work hours Drinks to forget old memories from work Has to work in synch with frontman Noone will probably notice your mistake BACKENDER Gets roughly the same pay as frontender Seems like he's always on a break drinking coffee Drinks with sysadmin to aquaire old memories from work Can work both synchronous and asynchronous 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR

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