Found the Dad on my timeline

Found the Dad on my timeline | sublime text-memes, google-memes, slack-memes, discord-memes, google chrome-memes, internet-memes, microsoft-memes, firefox-memes, edge-memes |
sublime text-memes, google-memes, slack-memes, discord-memes, google chrome-memes, internet-memes, microsoft-memes, firefox-memes, edge-memes |


12h - "Firefox?" - "Yes papa" - "Eating RAM?" - "No papa" - "Are vou sure?" - "Yes papa" - "Open your mouth" Firefox: Name Discord (32 bit) (6) ) Firefox (24) Google Chrome (10) 3 Messenger (2) ) Microsoft Edge (12) - Microsoft Outlook (2) Opera Internet Browser (15) Slack ) Sublime Text (3) Status X 35 CPU 5.2 96 Memory 134.4 MB 1.3 6,388.2 MB 0.2 107.7 MB 2.2 326.7 MB 0.4 363.9 MB 2.7 579.8 MB 0 149.2 MB 0 292.8 MB 0 1.8 MB

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