sublime text Memes

Sublime Text The Winrar Of Text Editors

sublimeTextTheWinrarOfTextEditors | sublime text-memes |
Content Me: Hits CtrIS twice Sublime Text: 1am once again asking for your financial support.

Why I never quit using sublime text

Why I never quit using sublime text | code-memes, sublime text-memes, ide-memes |
Content Changing IDE settings for fun Now your code is being executed By VLC media player

Found the Dad on my timeline

Found the Dad on my timeline | sublime text-memes, google-memes, slack-memes, discord-memes, google chrome-memes, internet-memes, microsoft-memes, firefox-memes, edge-memes |
Content 12h - "Firefox?" - "Yes papa" - "Eating RAM?" - "No papa" - "Are vou sure?" - "Yes papa" - "Open your mouth" Firefox: Name Discord (32 bit) (6) ) Firefox (24) Google Chrome (10) 3 Messenger (2) ) Microsoft Edge (12) - Microsoft Outlook (2) Opera Internet Browser (15) Slack ) Sublime Text (3) Status X 35 CPU 5.2 96 Memory 134.4 MB 1.3 6,388.2 MB 0.2 107.7 MB 2.2 326.7 MB 0.4 363.9 MB 2.7 579.8 MB 0 149.2 MB 0 292.8 MB 0 1.8 MB

Windows troubleshooter source code leaked.

Windows troubleshooter source code leaked. | code-memes, python-memes, sublime text-memes, program-memes, loc-memes, data-memes, windows-memes, fix-memes, source code-memes, cs-memes |
Content 5 Cal Users KnzAppData Local Programs Python Python37) - Sublime Text File Edit Selection Find View Goto Tools Project Preferences Help Python knizjs ese htm 1 import os def WindowsDiagnostics () 3 4 5 6 print ('Looking for problems") waitTimer (20000ms) print('Unable to fix the issue.')

Based on a true story

Based on a true story | programmer-memes, sublime text-memes, program-memes, ide-memes |
Content "Who convinced the new programmer that Sublime Text is the best IDE?" made with mematic

4chan on tech startups

4chan on tech startups | developer-memes, code-memes, tech-memes, technology-memes, sublime text-memes, node-memes, node.js-memes, ruby on rails-memes, ruby-memes, mongodb-memes, internet-memes, mongo-memes, mac-memes, macbook-memes, startup-memes |
Content Anonvmous 122614(Fri)19:51:11 No. 45793352 B 45793379 45794765 45794788 45796081 45799058 45800174 why the fuck start ups only want ruby on rails developers? Anonvmous 122614(Fri)22:01:48 No. 45794867 45794890 45798725 45798760 45799182 45799190 45799231 45800065 It's hipster technology. They create an internet startup with Rails or Node.js on top of MongoDB. They have a io domain with a name that normally ends in -er but they removed the 'e'. They code in Sublime Text on their Macbooks while sitting in Starbucks. When people ask about their work they refer to themselves as a "code artisan".

Windows troubleshooter source code...

Windows troubleshooter source code... | code-memes, python-memes, sublime text-memes, program-memes, loc-memes, data-memes, windows-memes, fix-memes, source code-memes, cs-memes |
Content Windows troubleshooter source code leaked. S C: UsersKnzAppDataLocal - Sublime Text File Edit Selection Find View Goto Tools Project Preferences Help Python knzjs csehtml 1 import os 2 def Windows Diagnostics () 3 print( Looking for problems") 4 waitTimer (20000ms) 5 print ( Unable to fix the issue.') 6

More commits messages from the Twitch leak !

More commits messages from the Twitch leak ! | sublime text-memes, csv-memes, fix-memes, IT-memes, cs-memes |
Content Playa Dev Playa Dev More TwitchLeak commit messages -OH MY GOD THAT WAS IT, IT ACTUALLY BUILDS. -Mouse events now work, magically! - temp files and csvs suck - formatting sucks - i suck -wtf why wont you build - ok wtf port are we running on then - Fix again.. wtf sublime text

Reject modernity

Reject modernity | code-memes, sublime text-memes, vim-memes, vscode-memes, ide-memes |
Content NOoooOOo, you must use Vim as your main editor Atom is the best use sublime text NO, I prefer vscode because its easier to save and quit Let me open my fancy IDE

This meme is unregistered

This meme is unregistered | sublime text-memes |
Content Me: Hits CtrIS twice Sublime Text: 1am once again asking for your financial support.

Tru af

Tru af | sublime text-memes |
Content Me: opens Sublime Text Pop-up: debo 1am once again asking for your financial support.

Windows troubleshooter source code...

Windows troubleshooter source code... | code-memes, python-memes, sublime text-memes, program-memes, loc-memes, data-memes, windows-memes, fix-memes, source code-memes, cs-memes |
Content Windows troubleshooter source code leaked. C: UsersKnzAppDataLocal Programs - Sublime Text File Edit Selection Find View Goto Tools Project Preferences Help Python notespy knzis csehtml 1 import os def WindowsDiagnostics() 3 print( Looking for problems") 4 waitTimer (20000ms) 5 print ('Unable to fix the issue.') 6