import pickle import time print ("WELCOME TO FREE MATH ANSWERS") time. sleep (1) print ("let me begin setting up my shack of math answers") time.sleep (3) print ("Decrypting internet traffic") time. sleep (5) print ("math answers are in a file called something like mathhomework.txt") print ("press enter to understand to not delete these files") y input ("press enter") for i in range (1000) : passcode "We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You would num str (i) pickle. dump (passcode, open (num 'math homework. txt', 'wb' )) print ("error") print ("human verification required") print ("u need to go to https: www.mediafire.comfilejrhjec1689cq6qxhumanverification.exefile to get a code") input ('whats the answer to the last problem? Type answer in all lowercase letters, no spaces:') if (y ! "firetruck"): print ("incorrect") time. sleep (999999) print ("ok, correct") time.sleep (3) print ("im finished, check downloads folder") time. sleep (86400)