Just found out that our codebase contains more than 100 WTF statements and one life wisdom

Just found out that our codebase contains more than 100 WTF statements and one life wisdom | code-memes, google-memes, try-memes, data-memes, api-memes, search-memes, ide-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
code-memes, google-memes, try-memes, data-memes, api-memes, search-memes, ide-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io


wtf Replace files to include AB files to exclude if(b.bciprojectcode not in existinleads): print('WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF") exist master self.envmaster.project .searchi get info of companies for x in range(len (companyID)) : print("I'm here dadddyyy:", company ID) checksuccess3 False numofRetry3 0 while checkSuccess3 is False and numOfRetry3 150: ('name', '-ilike', str(projectrefdata 'CAT4NAME ')) ) cats - self.env 'project.crm.category'. search( ('name' "-ilike', str(projectrefdata 'CAT 5 NAME'))) logger .info("WTF !!. Holy mary mother of joseph, I hate my life s", projectr subcati self.en' project.crm.category. search( 'name' 'ilike', str(projectref data'SUBCAT 1 NAME )), ('parent id' 170 results in 10 files Open in editor res users.py odo... wtf, nextrankid shoul. slideslide.py od.. TDE FIXME: WTF?? res users.py odo... wtf, nextrank id shoul. slide slide.py od... TDE FIXME: WTF ?? v conf.py odo... 3 g api.model def parsegoogledocument(self, documentid, onlypreview fields, def getslidetype (vals): TDE FIXME: WTF?? next rank id False next rank id should be a related on rank id.next rank id and life might get easie we only need to recompute nextrankid on write with minkarma or in the create on rank model for r in ranks: nank nf 'nank' 1