wtf Replace files to include AB files to exclude if(b.bciprojectcode not in existinleads): print('WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF") exist master self.envmaster.project .searchi get info of companies for x in range(len (companyID)) : print("I'm here dadddyyy:", company ID) checksuccess3 False numofRetry3 0 while checkSuccess3 is False and numOfRetry3 150: ('name', '-ilike', str(projectrefdata 'CAT4NAME ')) ) cats - self.env 'project.crm.category'. search( ('name' "-ilike', str(projectrefdata 'CAT 5 NAME'))) logger .info("WTF !!. Holy mary mother of joseph, I hate my life s", projectr subcati self.en' project.crm.category. search( 'name' 'ilike', str(projectref data'SUBCAT 1 NAME )), ('parent id' 170 results in 10 files Open in editor res odo... wtf, nextrankid shoul. od.. TDE FIXME: WTF?? res odo... wtf, nextrank id shoul. slide od... TDE FIXME: WTF ?? v odo... 3 g api.model def parsegoogledocument(self, documentid, onlypreview fields, def getslidetype (vals): TDE FIXME: WTF?? next rank id False next rank id should be a related on rank rank id and life might get easie we only need to recompute nextrankid on write with minkarma or in the create on rank model for r in ranks: nank nf 'nank' 1