What absolute moron would have—oh no

What absolute moron would have—oh no | git-memes, github-memes, .net-memes, date-memes, oop-memes, IT-memes, logs-memes, binary-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
git-memes, github-memes, .net-memes, date-memes, oop-memes, IT-memes, logs-memes, binary-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io


Corey Quinn QuinnyPig: 6h If I do a " git pull' on elastic's Logstash repository, it pulls down 113.16 MiB from GitHub. Fully 66MB of that is a binary WAR file erroneously committed to git in 2013. That's right. Over half of every transfer of that wildly popular repo is a file some moron messed up. 9 19 1751 407 Corey Quinn QuinnyPig Who was that moron? Me. It was entirely me. I just discovered this in a chat with jordansissel. Oopsie. commit e178383d27422d90718ee7436619fb36731fdd82 Author: Corey Quinn coreysequestered.net Date: Sun Feb 24 22:01:42 2013 -0800 Remove large binary because I'm foolish commit fd93322c903a49febe8ad454c9e03a7e86327389 Author: Corey Quinn cquinnsoap.epicquinn.net Date: Sun Feb 24 21:49:32 2013 -0800 Initial packaging work for deb building

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