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[text] I totally have an unique complicated important 0 tflearnprogramming 6d Looking to hire a developer o 4 ridevelopers 6d Looking to hire a developer 0 1 riaskprogramming 64 Looking to hire a developer 0 6 ridevetopers 9d 2 share Starting a Business Looking for a Developer 1 1 L A share app idea rlaggies uhesage. G Looking to hire an Aggie web app Developer Where to look Ask the Aggies. Hello am starting a business and require a pretty complex app to be built. The app is gentral to my business structure so want to make sure that it is done properly. Please message me if intrested and we can further discuss details. particuraly want to hire work with another aggie but dont know where to look. Please help ol0D2 8 fSoftwareEngincering e Looking for a trusted hardworking full stack developer Howdy am looking for someone who can develop me an app and website for my startup or is willing to try. Its an app similar to Tinder but of course for a different use. Please only message me if this is in your expertise. This position is paid please message me for more details if interested. ol Os 2