TLDR: Your name is Theo

TLDR: Your name is Theo | git-memes, hardware-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, comment-memes |
git-memes, hardware-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, comment-memes |


Micro SFF stories MicroSFF "I expected someone..." "Taller?" "Yes," the knight said, looking down at the dragon. "Dragons grow in proportion to their hoard." "I heard your hoard was huge, thousands and thousands of books." "It is." "But?" "I went digital," the dragon said, showing the SD card they lay on. 6:10 AM Aug 25, 2021 Hootsuite Inc. 101 Comments Award ( Share Save Hide I report Sort By: Best View all comments (6 BEEF WIENERS 2h A year later the knight returns and the dragon is massive now. "What happened!?" The dragon ushers the knight further into the cave where illumination comes from blinky lights. A bearded fellow in a plaid shirt and spectacles holds a clipboard, looking up from it only momentarily before returning to his task. The dragon grins, "This is Theo, he's taught me all about backups! And once I had a NAS, well, it all sort of spiraled out from there hardware-wise.' 20 60 Reply Give Award Share Report Save