The code from Independence Day. This code is supposed to upload a virus to the alien ship.

The code from Independence Day. This code is supposed to upload a virus to the alien ship. | code-memes, virus-memes |
code-memes, virus-memes |


Signal Mean Zoom factor 13 Magnification BE Magrate 130086 T Toxecret Compiler Execution 010-045 trans for 3x- 169 Arguments go for 1256:benchHost 2456 set VirusMerk678245-treattreatY quarry Xmark for 567 going for send ValueThreat-bendColumn2456Vexzr(Xgf) apart into bendColumnY2459Vexaq(Ygr) infiltrate ToxigenValue7564.8755HostAdressvat superior SecDelay(SintoSecAIntoSect) HastValX send Filter HEX NoStopilel, SecStapVal, SetVal-56) blast file for ValueThreatNoCum(SecVs576-Xihk) rot at 45 Bench"WorryWord (111000) Move 1000, 12876, aaVf stack 2765, into Suikgsh move 1010, 47638, ToxYal (111000)