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Say what? | security-memes, mongodb-memes, authentication-memes, mongo-memes, IT-memes, public-memes, encryption-memes |
security-memes, mongodb-memes, authentication-memes, mongo-memes, IT-memes, public-memes, encryption-memes |


TODAY Messages to this chat and calls are now secured with end-to-end encryption. Tap for more info. Hi. La security issue. some details are public through a MongoDB with no Authentication 20-32 J kindly give me some contact info of a person who manages security 20:33 Hey, Thanks for the information. I will forward it to the concerned team. 20:33 May I know where did you get this number from? You 20.34 security issue. some details are public through a MongoDB w... the same database 20.37 V