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My compiler is an asshole, he ignores all my comments

My compiler is an asshole, he ignores all my comments | computer-memes, python-memes, iphone-memes, compiler-memes, twitter-memes, ssh-memes, comment-memes |
computer-memes, python-memes, iphone-memes, compiler-memes, twitter-memes, ssh-memes, comment-memes |

[text] Elon Musk elonmusk Hashtags are an abomination Tweet ibersetzen 945 vorm. 17. Aug. 2019 Twitter for iPhone Pranay Pathole PPathole 8 Std. Antwort an elonmusk In python hashtags are used to tell the computer that a line is not worth reading much like in social media O 32 LA VAR KCR e RO 1 weitere Antwort