Content Samantha Morlote therealsmorlote !!! THE BELOW MESSAGE WAS DISPLAYED ON SOMEONE'S TV. CODE WAS DISPLAYED, MIXED WITH THE WORDS "KILL PROCESS OR SACRIFICE CHILD" ! ! ! !! ARE YOU ALL SEEING THIS ! ! Monroc Electronics, Inc. CAB System E03-03: Cent03 rolease 6.9 Final) Kennel: 2.6.32-696. on on 1606 ToMP27vidpEN301 login: Out of semory: KIll procest 12099 file) score OG1 or Ba crifice child Hillod process 12059, MID 0, (ole) totol-u: 1090132k0, anon-ran:79341Gk0, flo-r so:500D Dat af acmory: WIll process 20970 (ule) acore 061 or sacrifice child NIl Tod process 20970, UID B, (ulc) (otel-um: 1097260kB, anon-ros:00007240, CHle-r at:20010 Bat of senory: MIl process 16879 (ule) score 056 ar nocrifice child, But of schory: M111 process 18399 (ulc) score 011 ar socrifica child KIlled proceas 18309, UID B, (ulc) total-u:1041900kB, onon-ras:72009240, File-r an: 10010 2:58 PM 81121 Twitter for iPhone