iphone Memes

Kill Process Or Sacrifice Children

killProcessOrSacrificeChildren | code-memes, iphone-memes, electron-memes, rds-memes, twitter-memes, cs-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Samantha Morlote therealsmorlote !!! THE BELOW MESSAGE WAS DISPLAYED ON SOMEONE'S TV. CODE WAS DISPLAYED, MIXED WITH THE WORDS "KILL PROCESS OR SACRIFICE CHILD" ! ! ! !! ARE YOU ALL SEEING THIS ! ! Monroc Electronics, Inc. CAB System E03-03: Cent03 rolease 6.9 Final) Kennel: 2.6.32-696. on on 1606 ToMP27vidpEN301 login: Out of semory: KIll procest 12099 file) score OG1 or Ba crifice child Hillod process 12059, MID 0, (ole) totol-u: 1090132k0, anon-ran:79341Gk0, flo-r so:500D Dat af acmory: WIll process 20970 (ule) acore 061 or sacrifice child NIl Tod process 20970, UID B, (ulc) (otel-um: 1097260kB, anon-ros:00007240, CHle-r at:20010 Bat of senory: MIl process 16879 (ule) score 056 ar nocrifice child, But of schory: M111 process 18399 (ulc) score 011 ar socrifica child KIlled proceas 18309, UID B, (ulc) total-u:1041900kB, onon-ras:72009240, File-r an: 10010 2:58 PM 81121 Twitter for iPhone

Bar Fighters, you need to step up your game

Bar Fighters, you need to step up your game | iphone-memes, twitter-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Nathan Odom NathanOdom11 I'm thankful for the Foo Fighters because I've never felt threatened by a foo and that means they're doing a heck of a job on the frontlines 6:45 PM 12219 Twitter for iPhone

We've been exposed

We've been exposed | developer-memes, code-memes, iphone-memes, google-memes, object-memes, twitter-memes, language-memes, framework-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
[text] Mads Brodt madsbrodt 01 Aug When we work as developers were not paid to code. Were not paid to use different languages and frameworks. Were paid to solve problems for businesses and users. Code just happens to be an efficient tool to reach that goal. But dont lose sight of the real objective. Q 43 Y Q 2747 S Moses Lemar moseslaughs Replying to madsbrodt Youre paid to google shit stop lying 1117 pm 01 Aug 20 Twitter for iPhone

I Hope This Email Finds You Well

iHopeThisEmailFindsYouWell | iphone-memes, email-memes, rds-memes, ML-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
[text] Work Retire Die WorkRetireDie Email sign off matrix. Whats your goto Ive ccd my boss. Thanks Warmly Hoping we avoid Thanks this in the future. S Kind Regards Thanks Please Thanks in Advance 1 rl i N Best eagerly wait your Advise. o q Timely Response. a response ARE WE ABOUT ARE WE ABOUT TOFIGHT TOKISS kn Cheersi Humbly Yours Let me know Just your name . how was nf from Have a great ey the UK weekend Thanks Pardon any typos Xoxo Gossip Girl Im tapping away on You have bewitched me my teensy tiny little body and soul and loveI iPhone loveI love you. CASUAL O

"Investor knows what's best for the product" - twatter

"Investor knows what's best for the product" - twatter | engineer-memes, iphone-memes, slack-memes, oop-memes, sass-memes, ide-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes, private-memes, product-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Tweet Gergely Orosz GergelyOrosz 20h Scoop: another 10 Twitter employees who made sassy or critical remarks about Twitter's current leadership on a Twitter internal Slack channel have been terminated overnight. Several were respected sw engineers. One person was told they are let go "for recent behaviour". 615 t7 3.067 17.4K 17 kamal kumar Retweeted Saagar saagar thinks Replying to GergelyOrosz What am I missing here? You're employed paid to provide professional services to your company, not for indulging in activism. Twitter is a private company and the investor knows what's best for the product and the company, what's your beef with Elon? Terrible takes for engagement 8:36 PM Nov 15, 2022 Twitter for iPhone 9 Retweets 15 Quote Tweets 289 Likes

Got Hacked

gotHacked | web-memes, website-memes, iphone-memes, password-memes, IT-memes, twitter-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content jon drake DrakeGatsby Website: Make a password Me: Ok Website: Make it STRONGER so you don't get HACKED Me: Wow alright Website: Damn that's a strong password 1 Week Later Website: You got hacked Me: But my password was so strong Website: Yeah the whole site got hacked. Our bad 7:49 AM: Oct 20, 2020 Twitter for iPhone

Problem To Problems

problemToProblems | programmer-memes, iphone-memes, threads-memes, program-memes, IT-memes, twitter-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Amir Shevat O ashevat A programmer had a problem. He thought to himself, "I know, I'll solve it with threads!". has Now problems. two he 10:00 PM 16 Jan 21 Twitter for iPhone

Programming Is Not

programmingIsNot | programming-memes, computer-memes, web-memes, website-memes, iphone-memes, program-memes, google-memes, fix-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Programming is not fix my computer create a google account for me fix my router buy me an iPhone online hack my partner's FB account build a website for free make me an app that tells me how to build a website This is my own experience! Anvthing to add?

The Struggle Is Real

theStruggleIsReal | iphone-memes, server-memes, IT-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content BJ Smith BJSmithArt Why are IT guys such dicks? 12:52 AM 20 Aug 21 Twitter for iPhone 1 Retweet 5 Quote Tweets 8 Likes 17 Eric Chapman eschapman : 2d Replying to BJSmithArt Last week I drove two hours to push the power button on a server that three separate people assured me was already on.

I Guess This Means Im Hot

iGuessThisMeansImHot | iphone-memes, perl-memes, reddit-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content John from HR john from hr you're either hot or you know how to use semi-colons properly; there's no in-between. Twitter for iPhone 11.2K Retweets 124K Likes Posted in rsuicidebywords by ubittermidnight reddit

Collect Ion

collectIon | iphone-memes, mac-memes, macbook-memes, macbook pro-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes, startup-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Faruk Brbovic darkgaro One benefit of working for startups, you get to keep your Macbook Pro after they fail. I've collected 2 so far this way 10:44 PM 30 Jul 21 Twitter for iPhone 699 Retweets 410 Quote Tweets 3,460 Likes

While (!pheromone)

While (!pheromone) | iphone-memes, loc-memes, twitter-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
Content Massimo Rainmaker1973 40m When a group of army ants are separated from the main foraging party, they lose the pheromone track and begin to follow one another: as a result, they might eventually die of exhaustion read more: buff.ly2UMMnFY hi biolocousb 1x 5.1M views From bioloco 116 17 291 1,777 Elon Musk Y elonmusk While (!pheromone) 11:16 AM 92222 Twitter for iPhone