SO, YOU WANT TO WORK TECH COMPANIO LET'S POP THE HOOD AND SEE WHAT KIND OF cOF IT TAKES TO KEED THE ENGINE RUNNING: FOUNTAIN Of Quaffed GROWTH KITCHER REVELATION CAMP SUPPORT CU MERF GUN WAR ZONE (4 SOCIAL MEDIA 10 SERVERS 15 MART VIRKUS THE CAST: Black wizards of the Internet. SKILecite dark art or generating clicks, traffic and conversions. What, you think vou round this com ic by chance (3) CFO The vault keeper. asked with maintaining fiscal responsibility. Also has to say "no a lot. but lets sillv expense O O requests sude occasionally to maintain peace and illusion o democracy The buck stops here. Has keyboard shortcuts for phrases like "do it", "how hard can it be?" and "no. Not verv peaceful. Ever wonder where your plane tickets, tree snacks and gadgets come from? That's the work of an Office Ninia The best Ninjas operate without ever being noticed. EAGEND The non-glamorous techie. A watchtul protector and a silent knight - they keep the business up and running. He's the herc the company deserves but not the one it needs) CUTORED Front line trooos winner ves of steel. Customer support commandos have an uncanny ability to say "no" without it sounding like "no'. Mostly peaceful (4 SOCIAL MEDIA Communicates in GIFs exclusively. Social media biosters are the onlv people who think "tweeting counts as a skill on Linkedin and will ask to endorse it relentlessly) A.K.A. "not actual engineers" in backend vocao. Heavily into classic rock or gangsta rap or both. Obscuritv of their hobbies Is only matched by that of their T-shirt slogans. (8) CEO A.K.A. "The Big Cheese". CEOs feel most comfortable when facing challenges, so expect big changes or a surprise product launch) when things start working 100 smoothly 1 SERVERS The only ones working 247 Go servers! A rare beast. as most creatives prefer to roam free, hopping from one project to another. It s destro give them creative control to reduce chance of escape or violent rebellion Mart Virkus