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Just ported McAfee to python! Am I doing this right?

Just ported McAfee to python! Am I doing this right? | computer-memes, python-memes, random-memes, virus-memes, data-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, pip-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes |
computer-memes, python-memes, random-memes, virus-memes, data-memes, ide-memes, mac-memes, pip-memes, cs-memes, cse-memes |

[text] Just ported mcafee to python on a mac 00 ingort math random time print print Hello Welcome to McAfee for Python scan rawinputWould you like me to scan your computer for viruses if scan e print I decided to check anyways tine.sleep1 else 10 print Give me a moment 1 tine.sleep1 12 zuccses randon. randint11000 13 if zuccses 990 PLNPIPITIS 1 print Sonebody bought to get laid off 15 else 16 userdata rawinputSorry you have a virus Please input your SSN to continue 17 print You have entereduserdataas your ssn 18 confirm rawinputPress any key to agree to our privacy policy 13 we dont have a privacy policy 2 print Cone back within 5 minutes to see wheter or not your computer has beep cleaned 2 finish 2 while finish tine. sleep10 finish random. randint14 print ALl Done you computer has been cleared