I finally found something that's incredibly great and comically bad at the same time

I finally found something that's incredibly great and comically bad at the same time | random-memes, list-memes, algorithm-memes, sorting-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, ML-memes, div-memes, cs-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
random-memes, list-memes, algorithm-memes, sorting-memes, IT-memes, ide-memes, ML-memes, div-memes, cs-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io


Quantum Bogo Sort QuantumBogoSort a quantum sorting algorithm which can sort any list in O(1), using the "many worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics It works as follows: 1. Quantumly randomise the list, such that there is no way of knowing what order the list is in until it is observed. This will divide the universe into O(n!) universes; however, the division has no cost, as it happens constantly anyway. 2. If the list is not sorted, destroy the universe. (This operation is left as an exercise to the reader.) 3. All remaining universes contain lists which are sorted.