Days 1 - 10 Teach yourself variables, con- stants, arrays, strings, expres- sions, statements, functions,... Days 698 - 3648 Interact with other programmers. Work on programming projects together. Learn from them. Day 14611 Use knowledge of biology to make an age-reversing potion. Days 11 - 21 Teach yourself program flow, pointers, references, classes, objects, inheritance, polymor- phism, .... Days 3649 - 7781 Teach yourself advanced theoret- ical physics and formulate a con- sistent theory of quantum grav- ity. Day 14611 Use knowledge of physics to build flux capacitor and go back in time to day 21. XXY6 Shan so. FLUX Days 22 - 697 Do a lot of recreational program- ming. Have fun hacking but re- member to learn from your mis- takes. Days 7782 - 14611 Teach yourself biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics.... Day 21 Replace younger self. As far as I know, this is the easiest way to "Teach Yourself C in 21 Days".