Payment will be raised on 5162017 00:47:55 Time Left Your volume will be permanently set to 100 on 5202017 00:47:55 Time Left About bitcoin How to buv bitcoins? Contact Us Wana DecryptOr 2.0 Oops, your volume slider has been encrypted! English What Happened to My Computer? Your important volume slider has been encrypted. Your volume slider has been set permanently to 100, and cannot be changed. Maybe you are busy looking for a way to regain access to your volume slider, but do not waste your time. Nobody can grant you freedom on your volume slider without our decryption service. Can I change my volume? Sure. We guarantee that you can change your volume easily. But you have not so enough time. You can decrease your volume to 90 for free. Try now by clicking Decrypt. But if you want to be able to gain control of your volume slider once again, you need to pay. You only have 3 days to submit your payment. After that, the price will be doubled. Also if you don't pay in 7 days, you won't be able to turn your computer off and your . volume will forever be stuck at 100. plaving a random video on YouTube. How Do I Pay? Payment is accepted in Bitcoin only. For more information, click About bitcoin. Please check the current price of Bitcoin and buy some bitcoins. For more information, click How to buy bitcoins. And send the correct amount to the address specified in this window. After your payment, click Check Payment. Best time to check: 9:00am - 11:00am B bitcoin ACCEPTED HERE Send 300 worth of bitcoin to this address: 129YDPgwueZ29NyMgw519p7AABisjr6SMw Copy Check Payment Decrypt