Brianna Wu BriannaWu understand that a lot of people didn't enjoy SheHulk, but I think you have to understand. App is doing 1000 poorly batched PCs just to render a home timeline! 2:42 14 Nov 22 Twitter for iPhone 14 Retweets 2 Ouote Tweets 508 Likes 17 8d5d2dderek 852derek852 1d: Replying to BriannaWu Which would you rather fight: one shehulk sized poorly batched PC, or 1000 poorlv batched PC sized shehulks? 17 7 Elon is a Tool (Parody) tarnis... 1d : Replying to BriannaWu That's going to be my response whenever there's an outage at work: "I can't log into my email" "Sorry, but Exchange is doing 1000 poorly batched PCs just to render vour home inbox" 17 2