twitter Memes

He Paid 44 Billion To Get Dunked On

He Paid 44 Billion To Get Dunked On
The ultimate tech billionaire self-own! Elon confidently declares the Social Security database isn't de-duplicated, suggesting massive fraud... only to get absolutely demolished when someone points out he clearly has no idea how government databases work. The cherry on top? The "readers added context" feature on his own platform confirming that yes, the government does indeed use SQL. Nothing quite like spending $44 billion on a platform just so everyone can watch you get publicly schooled on basic database concepts. This is what happens when you skip Database 101 but still think you're qualified to critique government systems. Maybe next time Google "what is MySQL" before tweeting?

What Astupid Programmer

whatAStupidProgrammer | programmer-memes, javascript-memes, java-memes, program-memes, twitter-memes |
Content JavaScript criticism on Twitter be like: "a" in "a", "b" is false, what a stupid language!

Kill Process Or Sacrifice Children

killProcessOrSacrificeChildren | code-memes, iphone-memes, electron-memes, rds-memes, twitter-memes, cs-memes |
Content Samantha Morlote therealsmorlote !!! THE BELOW MESSAGE WAS DISPLAYED ON SOMEONE'S TV. CODE WAS DISPLAYED, MIXED WITH THE WORDS "KILL PROCESS OR SACRIFICE CHILD" ! ! ! !! ARE YOU ALL SEEING THIS ! ! Monroc Electronics, Inc. CAB System E03-03: Cent03 rolease 6.9 Final) Kennel: 2.6.32-696. on on 1606 ToMP27vidpEN301 login: Out of semory: KIll procest 12099 file) score OG1 or Ba crifice child Hillod process 12059, MID 0, (ole) totol-u: 1090132k0, anon-ran:79341Gk0, flo-r so:500D Dat af acmory: WIll process 20970 (ule) acore 061 or sacrifice child NIl Tod process 20970, UID B, (ulc) (otel-um: 1097260kB, anon-ros:00007240, CHle-r at:20010 Bat of senory: MIl process 16879 (ule) score 056 ar nocrifice child, But of schory: M111 process 18399 (ulc) score 011 ar socrifica child KIlled proceas 18309, UID B, (ulc) total-u:1041900kB, onon-ras:72009240, File-r an: 10010 2:58 PM 81121 Twitter for iPhone

Bar Fighters, you need to step up your game

Bar Fighters, you need to step up your game | iphone-memes, twitter-memes |
Content Nathan Odom NathanOdom11 I'm thankful for the Foo Fighters because I've never felt threatened by a foo and that means they're doing a heck of a job on the frontlines 6:45 PM 12219 Twitter for iPhone

What Was He Thinking

whatWasHeThinking | software-memes, web-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, fix-memes, cli-memes, IT-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes |
Content chrisk5000 chrisk5000 Almost made fun of an electrician today like "is it an electrician's guild rule that you have to perform 5 minutes of ritual complaining about What Was The Previous Electrician Thinking before you're allowed to fix anything?" but then I remembered I'm a software engineer 6:25 PM Nov 15, 2018 Twitter Web Client 586 Retweets 2.4K Likes

Download More Ram

downloadMoreRam | web-memes, google-memes, loc-memes, lock-memes, twitter-memes, vm-memes, space-memes |
Content tihorner 18h wait you can actually download more ram if you set up google drive as swap space 29 17 203 772 tihorner perfect tjatj-x1c7 Filesystem ludev tmpfs Itmpfs Itmpfs Itmpfs devnvmeOn1p2 devnvmeon1p1 Itmpfs gdrive: swap tjatj-x1c7 df -h devmapper vgmint-root 915G Size Used Avail Use Mounted on 7.7G 0 7.7G 0 dev 1.6G 1.9M 1.6G 1 run 38G 831G 5 7.7G 159M 7.5G 3 devshm 5. OM 4.0K 5.OM 1 runlock 7.7G 0 7.7G 0 sysfscgroup 705M 409M 246M 63 boot 511M 31M 481M 6 bootefi 1.6G 80K 1.6G 1 runuser1000 1.0P 471G 1.0P 1 hometjgdrive 10:14 PM - Dec 14, 2021 Twitter Web App

Meme From Twitter

memeFromTwitter | code-memes, python-memes, c++-memes, devs-memes, twitter-memes |
[text] A meme page to check every... 13 Jun C devs when their thousand line code is 0.001 second faster than a 10 line python code

We've been exposed

We've been exposed | developer-memes, code-memes, iphone-memes, google-memes, object-memes, twitter-memes, language-memes, framework-memes |
[text] Mads Brodt madsbrodt 01 Aug When we work as developers were not paid to code. Were not paid to use different languages and frameworks. Were paid to solve problems for businesses and users. Code just happens to be an efficient tool to reach that goal. But dont lose sight of the real objective. Q 43 Y Q 2747 S Moses Lemar moseslaughs Replying to madsbrodt Youre paid to google shit stop lying 1117 pm 01 Aug 20 Twitter for iPhone

Not Easyto Findthatmany People

notEasytoFindthatmanyPeople | developer-memes, php-memes, java-memes, python-memes, stack-memes, aws-memes, react-memes, git-memes, sql-memes, angular-memes, mongodb-memes, postgresql-memes, docker-memes, recruiters-memes, recruit-memes, mongo-memes, postgres-memes, IT-memes, redis-memes, mac-memes, kubernetes-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes, cs-memes, full stack-memes |
[text] F Mayank Joshi dermayank Dear recruiters if you are looking for Java Python PHP React Angular PostgreSQL Redis MongoDB AWS S3 EC2 ECS EKS nix system administration Git and Cl with TDD Docker Kubernetes Thats not a Full Stack Developer Thats an entire IT department 352 PM 29 Jun 21 Twitter for Mac 1403 Retweets 117 Quote Tweets 5532 Likes

Pull Stack Developer

pullStackDeveloper | developer-memes, code-memes, android-memes, stack-memes, internet-memes, IT-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes, kde-memes |
[text] EU 1212 AM L Ry 4 QU G Im a Pull Stack Developer. just pull things off the Internet and put it into my code. 713 PM 121820 Twitter for Android 26 Retweets 119 Quote Tweets 5079 Likes

War Declaration

warDeclaration | android-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes |
[text] an Catalin Pit catalinmpit 4 Replying to flaviocopes Im declaring war let war 1026 PM May 17 2020 Twitter for Android 1 Retweet 45 Likes Q o Uma Yece a.k.a. slogl umayecek 1m Replying to catalinmpit and flaviocopes const war Because war war never changes 9 T V B B

All Protocal Must Be Observed

allProtocalMustBeObserved | programming-memes, program-memes, try-memes, date-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes, manager-memes |
Content Scott Hanselmen and 8 others fallow Kelly Vaughn kuly I'd love to watch a movie where programming is accurately depicted. A team is trying to quickly build an app that will save the world. The app won't compile. Someone keeps adding to the scope. The project manager is asking for an update every 15 minutes. 8:20 AM - Oct 2, 2019 Twitter for Andtoid 189 Retweets 1.1K Likes 17 Kelly Vaughn m kvlly - 6h Replying to kvlly "You're not following proper agile protocol!" "Joe, this is a life or death situation. Do I REALLY need to open a ticket for this?" "Yes." Q 28 17 48 O 519