Speed Memes

Posts tagged with Speed

53% Is Still A Passing Grade, Right?

53% Is Still A Passing Grade, Right?
When it comes to typing tests, developers have their priorities straight! Rejecting a careful 30 WPM with near-perfect accuracy in favor of blazing through at 100 WPM while making errors in almost half your keystrokes is the quintessential programmer mindset. Why? Because we can always refactor later! It's like shipping to production with known bugs because the sprint deadline is more important than functionality. Who needs accuracy when you've got SPEED ? Just slam that keyboard like you're rage-quitting vim and let autocomplete sort out the mess!

Tcp Vs Udp

Tcp Vs Udp
Ah, networking protocols explained in their purest form. TCP is that formal guy in a suit, carefully handing over a package, making sure it arrives intact. He'll stand there all day waiting for confirmation. "Did you get it? Please respond. I'm still here waiting..." Meanwhile, UDP is just yeeting packages into the void like a pizza delivery guy who gets paid by quantity, not quality. "I think I threw something in your general direction. Good luck finding it! Not my problem anymore!" After 20 years in the industry, I've learned that both have their place. Need reliability? TCP. Need speed and don't care if a few frames drop in your Zoom call? UDP. It's like choosing between a careful accountant and a chaotic artist - depends if you're filing taxes or throwing paint at a canvas.