Physics Memes

Posts tagged with Physics

I Guess Cs Wins

I Guess Cs Wins
The eternal academic turf war continues! Physicists spend decades unraveling the mysteries of the universe, publishing papers nobody reads, and surviving on ramen... only to watch some CS grad who taught a computer to play tic-tac-toe walk away with the Nobel. That sideways glance of existential despair is every physicist who just realized they picked the wrong major. Meanwhile, CS folks are too busy counting their tech stock options to even notice they won.

Tell Me You Don't Know What An API Is

Tell Me You Don't Know What An API Is
SOMEONE PLEASE REVOKE THIS MAN'S DEVELOPER LICENSE IMMEDIATELY! ๐Ÿšจ This tweet is the programming equivalent of saying "a hammer is just an API to nails" and "nails are an API to wood" and "wood is an API to trees." MAKE IT STOP! An API (Application Programming Interface) is a specific set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other - NOT this cosmic tech ladder to the universe! The only thing this tweet proves is that if you string enough technical words together, you can sound profound while being CATASTROPHICALLY wrong. It's giving "I just discovered programming last week and now I'm having deep thoughts" energy.

Real Man Ide

Real Man Ide
Ah yes, the ancient stone tablet IDE. Because nothing says "I'm a serious developer" like carving your collision detection algorithms into limestone. Modern IDEs with their "syntax highlighting" and "error detection" are clearly for the weak. Real programmers chisel their bugs directly into rock so they're permanent, just like their technical debt.