Thou art a fool, programmer...

Thou art a fool, programmer... | programmer-memes, program-memes, command-memes, excel-memes, rds-memes |
programmer-memes, program-memes, command-memes, excel-memes, rds-memes |


JA Please write a dialog in Shakespeare style. There are two characters: 1. A programmer that has done exactly what his customer told him to. 2. A customer that is not happy with the project and thinks that the programmer should have done something else. Programmer: O, good my lord, what brings thee here today? Customer: Thou hast failed me, programmer. Thy project is not up to my standards. Programmer: But my lord, I did exactly as thou commanded. I followed thy instructions to the letter. Customer: Thou art a fool, programmer. Thou shouldst have used thy own judgement and done what thou thought was best for the project. Programmer: Forgive me, my lord. I shall strive to do better in the future and use my own judgement. Customer: See that thou do, programmer. I expect nothing less than excellence from thee. Programmer: Aye, my lord. I shall not disappoint thee again.