[text] README s MIT license LT N1 T R The easiest way to use git. On any platform. Anywhere. THISIS GIT. IT TRACKS COLLABORATIVE. LIORK ON PROJECTS THROUGH A BEAUTIFUL. DISTRIBUTED GRAPH THEORY TREE. MODEL. COOL. HOU DO LEVSE. IT NOIDEA. JUST MEMORIZE. THESE. SHELL COMMANDS AND TYPE THEM TO SYRC UR IF YOU GET ERRORS SAVE. YOUR WORK ELSEWHERE DELETE THE. PROJECT AND DOUNLOAD A FRESH COPY. Sl Git s known for being a versatile distributed source control system that is a staple of many individuals communities and even for the City of Chattanooga to crowd source bicycle parking locations. However itis not known for I e Ungit brings user friendiiness to git without sacrificing the versatilty of git. Clean and intutive Ul that makes it easy to understand git.