These captchas are really getting out of hand

These captchas are really getting out of hand | bugs-memes, bug-memes, function-memes, cli-memes |
bugs-memes, bug-memes, function-memes, cli-memes |


Select all squares with bugs If there are none, click skip function (028914) return docuhent0667512 023914) ; function launch) var 023916 0; (0x66751)0667513 0x667515; 0x66751 1)0x6675171L 0x66751611 0667512 0x6675 2011 0x6675221 0x567519; 06675231 prev curr -(0X667521)0X66751311 0x667511; setInterval function () if (0x13916 0) 0X66753011( 0665221 file 9x667525, functi if (0x2391x7 0x667526) (0x6675141) 0667513 0x667527; 0667518 )0x667517j066751611 - 06 0667521 0x66752017 0x667511' 0667521 0x667520 0x667522 0x23916 prev 06675111; clearinfo(); (0x6675241)0667513 0667529 ) else clearInterval() , 10000) ; function showinfo(0x23919) prev (0k6675311) 0667: 131; (0X667531)066751311 0x667532 curr 06675311)0x6674 1311 0x23919 0x6675 G SKIP