i usrbinishan 23h I have an update for those trying out Neuralink's compression challenge. I put some effort into calculating the legit theoretical max compression possible and.... tada it's 3.439 dc45-1cd5-4dd8-9634-ed28faaabf71.wav 57281.697113714 24164-32-4cc3-a522-642533aa5699,xav57595.3767979425 5e708-c894-47e 3-9221-77c49c714ccb.sav 582 92.3252548364 1953c-fedi -4d6f b889: c853326968dc.sav 59862.8669611584 cherb-co8-4292 345061709.8av 68959.24 21749-54aa-405b-615f-7ad24669fe89,Nav 59516.4175233184 462c-2065-211 1313367.8av 57441.8322811866 3325d-52ed-4a5-8769-9689717b4db.xav57878.9384861566 3658.av 57813.6184933379 4269-a62a-8dbc26258836,xav 57649.582916879 9766f6989dfc.sav 57 258.7628584685 14268 16ede-a9bf -48b6 b586-dalbdat 3321.8av 56681.7553813921 79882-467-4ef6-8661-cd72345ftd68.wav 68887.8478571618 21d b-bb59-4121 5c88483d.Nav 58864.2589176283 20559-1454-4804 108af2d4.wav 53187.184883337 48b69-ccde-439e-97c-186c72832c52,xav 51926.7172913354 8b-ab9b-121 78998876 .wav 50863.5081531261 3122d-3841-4686-32a3-786 5347851c43.Nav. 57489.1731734985 ade45-a947-4363-8655-578b1c7c74ed,wav 52792.9642853385 70202-51a1 -49ec-85ab-88d195661ce5.wav 51568.1238858811 85045 634c6-666c-474-957c-299954a16247.wav55671.8452342674 78668-81fd-461f-93de-379e95cd784a.xav 58662.8818187691 6837e-be26-474f-bdd8-3c9ed631f394.wav58695.9834332824 1 4.26888575117947007 41 17 79 1.9K i 576K Q I moderate rock lookoutitsbbear 23h i got 4.1 URL:Winamp Comm 02 175 129 i 101K n I i usrbinishan 23h This converts back losslessly? Q1 171 0 402 ih 99K a L moderate rock lookoutitsbbear not only does it convert back losslessly it also has the noise removed 1:21 AM - May 27, 2024 9271K Views