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r/ProgrammerHumour has leaked in to r/pics

r/ProgrammerHumour has leaked in to r/pics | programmer-memes, program-memes, command-memes, git-memes, cs-memes |
programmer-memes, program-memes, command-memes, git-memes, cs-memes |

[text] X . LIS RG RURE R Z Share 828 316117 ulaasbuk Th git gud gl 316117 uKirodema 36m git gud git gud is not a git command. See git help. The most similar command is gui uIjustmade 21Tm 316117 laughed at this more than should have. Vote ukenadams 18m This guy Gits Vote uHabeebM 14m 74 programmerhumor Vote ucltlz3n 24m git gooey Inta A 316117 316117 PP