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haha linux users haha

haha linux users haha | software-memes, linux-memes, ux-memes, api-memes, internet-memes, reddit-memes, rds-memes, open source-memes, comment-memes, operating system-memes |
software-memes, linux-memes, ux-memes, api-memes, internet-memes, reddit-memes, rds-memes, open source-memes, comment-memes, operating system-memes |

[text] Q rAskReddit UElasticQuatsch 8h 81845 53 O 40 A 61 Youve been kidnapped. 30 mins later your kidnapper dumps you on the street because you wont stop talking about what 4552k M 29.8k R T O BEST COMMENTS W CassandraVindicated 7h CapitanFlama 7h 0 5 Avards So let me tell you how Linux is a far better operating system and how the modern internet owes its life to Free and open source software. Reply 49 2.7k