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stopDoingDataStructures | software-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, trees-memes, linked list-memes, array-memes, arrays-memes, node-memes, data structures-memes, data-memes, list-memes, IT-memes |
software-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, trees-memes, linked list-memes, array-memes, arrays-memes, node-memes, data structures-memes, data-memes, list-memes, IT-memes |

[text] Stop using Data Structures e Trees were not meant to require a bachelor degree to understand e Years of studying data structures but no real world usage found other than on exam papers e Wanted to store data anyway for a laugh We had a tool for that it is called ARRAYS e Lets implement a Circular Doubly Linked List with a dummy node Statements dreamed up by the utterly Deranged. Look at what software engineers has been demanding you to respect for all this This is REAL Data structures used by REAL software engineers Hello 1 would like They have played us for absolute fools.