So I got this wrong because the person who typed in the question made a mistake?

So I got this wrong because the person who typed in the question made a mistake? | function-memes, error-memes, console-memes, syntax error-memes |
function-memes, error-memes, console-memes, syntax error-memes |


What is the result of the function call shown below? let firstName 'John'; const greeting firstName console.log("Hi, my name is firstName!"); greeting("John Jr."); Hi my name is John! is logged to the console. Hi my name is undefined! is logged to the console. Correct Answer Hi my name is John Jr.! is logged to the console. You Answered uncaught syntax error is logged to the console. Incorrect! Hi my name is John Jr.! is logged to the console as a result of the function call on line 33.

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