Content Follow Princioa Consultant Software Architect Team Leader S 30 a Forens S What Are the Greenest Programming Languages: This paper presents a study of the runtime, memory usage, and energy consumotion of twentvseven welcknown sottware lanGuages. We monitor the perormance or such languages using ten cnnerencorograminino problems, expressed in each of the languages. Our results show interesting findings, such as slower faster languages consuming less more energy, and now memo usage marlences enero consumotion. we show now to use ou results to provide software engineers support to decide which language to use when energy efficiency is a concern This study implemented 10 benchmark problems in 27 different programming languages and measure execution time, energy consumption, and peak memo use C is the most efficient programming language, while Python and Perl are the least environmental friendly programming languages Link: https:Inkd.indnyrcdGd engineers programming sottware language energy sustainabilty (c) C (c) Rust (c) C (c) Ada (v) Java (c) Pascal (c) Chapel (v) Lisp (c) Ocaml (c) Fortran (c) Swift (c) Haskell (v) C (c) Go (G) Dart (v) F (i) JavaScript (v) Racket (i) TypeScript (i Hack (i) PHP (y) Erlang (i) Lua (i) Jruby (a) Ruby (i) Python ( Perl Energy 1.00 1.03 1.34 1.70 1.98 2.14 2.18 2.27 2.40 2.52 2.79 3.10 3.14 3.23 3.83 4.13 4.45 7.91 21.50 24.02 29.30 42.23 45.98 46.54 69.91 75.88 79.58 C0 Venkatesh Madi and 4.999 others 397 comments