Everyone Told Java Not To Script

Everyone Told Java Not To Script
javascript-memes, java-memes, programming-languages-memes, naming-conventions-memes, tech-history-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io

The ultimate dad joke of programming languages! Despite sharing zero DNA with Java, JavaScript was named purely for marketing hype in the 90s. It's like naming your hamster "Tiger" because it sounds cooler. The sinister grin in the image perfectly captures Netscape's devious marketing team knowing they were about to confuse generations of developers with this naming atrocity. The relationship between Java and JavaScript is basically the same as car and carpet โ€“ superficially similar words describing completely unrelated things. Yet here we are, 25+ years later, still explaining to non-programmers that no, we can't fix their Java problem with our JavaScript skills.

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