Web Dev Ftw

webDevFtw | web development-memes, development-memes, web-memes, try-memes, email-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io
web development-memes, development-memes, web-memes, try-memes, email-memes | ProgrammerHumor.io


Samantha B Hassan 10420 7 years ago I worked at a small company of about 15 people. I sent an email to all my co-workers one Friday, inviting them on a weekend hike. Only one person came, a guy from the web dev team that I'd hardley spoken to. Today is our 6th wedding anniversary. We're going hiking. 7,293 t7 923K 13M James trymybest18 Replying to samanthabhassan Web development guy, eh? Sounds like someone who might have the expertise to delete that email from everyone else's inbox.

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