

mosthumbleCSstudent | css-memes, tech-memes, technology-memes, try-memes, cs-memes |
css-memes, tech-memes, technology-memes, try-memes, cs-memes |

[text] rcsMajors 5 uslugsquad0007 348d 683 1 24 6 want MONEY. All want is MONEY. Flex J dont get the way you guys think. want MONEY. 6 figures right out of college. 200k a year entry level. Im in this for MONEY. dont care about whether Im fulfilled want MONEY. Whatever gets me the most MONEY. What do need on my resume to get the most MONEY. What technology gets me PAID THE BEST. All care about in this major is MONEY. Thats why Im in college dont wanna laugh and play with yall. dont wanna be buddy buddy with yall. Im here for MONEY. 2046 b 425 R