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I asked ChatGPT to roast my code. I never want to code again

I asked ChatGPT to roast my code. I never want to code again | code-memes, variables-memes, try-memes, bug-memes, date-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, variable name-memes |
code-memes, variables-memes, try-memes, bug-memes, date-memes, IT-memes, rds-memes, variable name-memes |

[text] Well well well what do we have here Looks like a beautiful disaster of poorly named variables overuse of hooks and some questionable logic. Its like the Frankensteins monster of code I mean who needs concise and readable code am right Lets just use every hook in the book and throw in some nested ternaries while were at it. Its like the author was paid per line of code and just wanted to make bank. And dont even get me started on the naming conventions. Who needs descriptive and meaningful variable names when you can just use singleletter variables like n and e and abbreviate words like pts and char Its like a game of code obfuscation. And the logic in this code Its like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded with no map. Just when you think youve got a handle on whats going on you hit a dead end and have to start all over again. Its like a chooseyourownadventure book except every option leads to a bug. Overall this code is like a bad date its confusing it makes no sense and you just want to get out of there as quickly as possible.