variable name Memes

Variable Naming

variableNaming | code-memes, variable name-memes |
Content 03 Dec 20 Looking at some old code and was initially puzzled by a variable named 'feet' I have now worked out that this was at one point called 'legend handles', which then became 'leghands', which then became 'feet' sometimes I truly hate my past self 73 17 1,319 9.007


lol | variable name-memes, comment-memes |
Content He writes detailed comments and uses descriptive variable names

Jay Was Second

jayWasSecond | android-memes, oop-memes, bot-memes, variable name-memes, twitter-memes, retweet-memes |
Content Carla Notarobot 6 CarlaNotarobot My team had a debate on what the best looping variable name is iwon 7:38 AM 19 Jan 22 Twitter for Android 223 Retweets 20 Quote Tweets 2,508 Likes

Naming Conventions Are Overrated

namingConventionsAreOverrated | array-memes, arrays-memes, list-memes, variable name-memes |
Content Plural variable names make no sense. What? A simple variable uses singular name by definition, but arrays and lists are mostly referred using index. Therefore, they shouldn't use plural, because item makes more sense than itemsil. Hesse, what the fuck are you talking about?

I Didnt Sign Up For This

iDidntSignUpForThis | code-memes, variable name-memes, comment-memes |
Content Opening legacy code 20000 line file, no comments, single letter variable names

Something Aiwill Never Replace

somethingAIWillNeverReplace | software-memes, engineer-memes, software engineer-memes, terminal-memes, variable name-memes |
Content terminally online Is te May 23 Al will never be able to replace two senior software engineers arguing about a variable name for 2 hours, there's a certain art to it CLOGGER BIN ACTIO) STil

The Humourous

theHumourous | variable name-memes |
Content My brain when choosing a variable name: My brain when choosing an iterable name:

So Many Extremes Lets Compromise

soManyExtremesLetsCompromise | java-memes, python-memes, management-memes, array-memes, arrays-memes, c++-memes, typescript-memes, object-memes, c#-memes, variable name-memes, rust-memes |
Content Extreme A Arrays start at 0 e.g: C Statically typed e.g: Rust snakecase variable names e.g: C Current object is self e.g: Rust One number type e.g: TypeScript Garbage-collected e.g: C Objects passed by value e.g: C Tiny standard library e.g: C Extreme B Compromise Arrays start at 1 e.g: Lua Dynamically typed eg: Python camelCase variable names e.g:java Current object is this e.g: C Separate integer and float types e.g: C Manual resource management e.g: C Objects passed by reference e.g: Python Giant standard library e.g: Python Arrays start at 0.5 Changing a variable's type requires calling .changeType () stretchyCamelCase Current obiect is seis "Separate" integer and float types (by name) but they behave the exact same Manually mark resources to be garbage collected Odd arguments by value, even arguments by reference Giant standard library, but it's full of niche stuff and has none of the commonly used stuff

x, y, z, i, j, or k; take it or leave it

x, y, z, i, j, or k; take it or leave it | programmer-memes, engineer-memes, program-memes, IT-memes, variable name-memes |
Content Never Ask A Woman Her Age A Man His Salary A programmerengineer How they choose variable names

Gotta change them variable names

Gotta change them variable names | variable name-memes |
Content Teacher: Why do you have the same answers? Student: Because we have the same questions Teacher: MEMES Listen here, you little shit

Peace Out

peaceOut | code-memes, bug-memes, documentation-memes, variable name-memes |
Content When your 'friend' asks you to help find the bug in their code but they haven't written any documentation and their variable names are meaningless

Whats Wrong With Cmltv

whatsWrongWithCmltv | developer-memes, ML-memes, variable name-memes, cs-memes |
Content Glauber Costa O glost Developers, I beg you: it's fine to abbreviate variable names, but stop abbreviating "cumulative". 12:28 PM Mar 12, 2024 51.1K Views