Function purist Function neutral Function rebel A Turing machine is A Turing machine is something that something that manipulates symbols on manipulates a strip or A Turing machine is something with a strip a strip to solve problems any data structure Form purist A Turing machine is mathematical model A Turing Machine for aba Turing machine model is Turing complete 90 0 5008 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 Busy Beaver game is Turing complete SChi Conway’s Game of Life is Turing complete Form neutral Automata Theory A Turing machine could be an implementation Original Turing Machine is Turing complete C language is Turing complete Form rebel A Turing machine could be anything BrainFk is Turing complete MgsQ MySQL is Turing complete PowerPoint is Turing complete 98 97 96 85 94 93 828 82 83 84 8 86 87 98 8 88 19 78 77 75 74 97 72 91 67 68 69 70 41:42 3 44 45 6 7 48 49 50 2345067 89900 Snakes Ladders is Turing complete